Saturday 6 February 2010

Toddlerfest at Scitech

Toddlerfest is on at Scitech this year, from 8th to 21st February 2010. Scitech is Perth's not-for-profit 'hands on' science and technology centre. Scitech is a place of discovery for young and old, hosting a range of shows, events and exhibitions throughout the year.

Idibidi Kids is excited to be running a series of free infant and toddler massage sessions during Toddlerfest, on the following days:

9th, 11th, 18th and 20th February, in the Puppet Grove Theatre.

What to expect?
During these 20 minutes sessions, you will learn why massage and positive, healthy touch is recommended on a regular basis for your child, when the best time to massage is and how you can calm your child, from being in the 'over-active' or 'over-stimulated' state to being in a relaxed and calm state.
Natalie will guide your through some of the rhymes and games in her new eBook/book, called "The Idibidi Kids Guide to Children's Massage: for parents & carers of toddlers and young children". Positive touch games to rhymes and songs such as "Pitter Patter", "Autumn" and "Incy Wincy Spider" are a fun and positive way to interact with your child, whilst you stimulate their language, early literacy and development.

NOTE: for the Toddlerfest massage sessions, your child/baby can remain clothed.

Here is a (silent) video demonstrating the 'permission sequence' and the direction to use when massaging your child's abdomen (always in a clockwise direction). I raise my hands where my son can see them and ask "Would you like a massage"? Notice how he pats his chest as he knows that my hand signals indicates that massage is going to occur. He also smiles, another positive sign that he is happy for massage. Note- a couple of times he attempts to get up from the massage, however does not seem upset. This is simply because there were other distractions in the room at the time of filming, bearing this in mind, the massage demonstrated is 1 minute in length.


  1. massage is good for child body but can u recommend which oil is the best to use while massage for a new born baby ?

  2. Hi Alli, thank you for your comment. For newborns, I would recommend an unscented, cold pressed, organic vegetable oil, for example, sweet almond oil, sunflower oil or apricot kernel oil. Each oil varying slightly in texture and viscosity, but all are beneficial for infants skin as they contain natural vitamins such as E and the B vitamin group, also other minerals. DO NOT use a mineral based oil, which is what 'Baby Oil' is (if you are not sure, have a look at the ingredient listing on the back of the bottle, it would say mineral oil or something to that effect). Mineral oil is petroleum based, synthetic and chemically derived. There is nothing about it that is 'friendly' to a newborns precious skin. This is often why newborns break out in rashes as they have such sensitive skin. Mineral oils form a barrier on the skin, thus preventing the skin to breath normally. I hope this answers your question!

  3. Yes thanx for the quick reply with such detailed info, cleared my doubt and now i'll b able to find the right product for the baby. Didnt knew such things about mineral oil before :)

  4. You can purchase cold pressed, organic massage oil from Idibidi Kids (under products page) on


Thank you for leaving a comment on the Idibidi Kids BLOG :)

Books Ive Read...

  • Frederick Leboyer: Loving Hands, The Traditional Art of Baby Massage
  • Kerstin Uvnas Moberg: The Oxytocin Factor
  • Tiffany Field: Touch
  • Vimala McClure: Infant Massage, A Handbook for Loving Parents